Tuesday 23 April 2013

Like it or not

Waymarks Mailbag

What my readers have to say. They read Waymarks for Believers
I Like

thank you for your last blog about the special meetings and XXXXXX. I have just had a reread of it and noticed that some of it was changed regarding XXXXXX. we pray that you are not coming up against to much pressure. my wife and i do value your honesty as we have found a lack of it amongst fellow Christians. we pray that all your family are keeping well and that your health is not inhibiting you from the open air work.-- DM

thank you for words of encouragement.
I removed the comment on XXXXXX because I broke my own rule. That is, never to publish on the strength of one single witness. I did believe what I wrote was true, trusting the integrity of my source. I still believe it to be true but I felt guilty about it. There was no pressure to remove it and if I heard from another independent source I would reinstate it, with one priviso, if I heard that XXXXXX had repented and had been restored, I would publish that instead.
My health remains much the same but I am finding it more difficult (not impossible) to get out.

kind regards

May the Lord bless you. I respect your zeal and perseverance, and will strive to do something similar, if the Lord allows me.    H, Brazil

I still enjoy your blogging so don't stop. -- Mrs. P

[I] found comments refreshingly honest.
Thank you for your forthright comments.-- SH

I continue to read your blog and other notices you have written on the net, I like to keep informed and I like what you write. ̶  EP

Thank you for the last issue of Waymarks really enjoyed it.especially the article on Accountability.  as always the AV verses vindicated was good.̶  DG
(To read this article, go to Waymarks for Believers, archives 2010 -- Ed.)

Always encouraging to witness your public stand for the truth.  I believe your move to at least not name correspondents and erroneous preachers in the first instance is the right one - and will help strengthen your/our cause.  However, I would fully agree that where sin occurs, and is not dealt with in local assembly capacity (e.g. in relation to erroneous teaching, etc), and where the brother does not respond to personal correction through private communication, there is room to name and shame.
— P

I Don’t Like 

Dear Ron
I trust you are well. I've just read your recent blog post and am querying the wisdom or benefit of you remarking on the matter of Mr [sic] Jacobs [sic] being investigated by the GMC.
I've no reason to pry into his professional life or in fact his personal one, nor the goings on of Bicester Gospel Hall, I'm just querying the wisdom or purpose of your statement.
I trust you take this email in the gentle and kind spirit it is being written in, and my apologies in advance if I have unwittingly caused offence.
unsigned but believed to be from M H, Buxton.
My readers may be assured I do not blog out of hearsay. I am as well aquainted with the facts and circumstances mentioned above as any. -RS.

Dear Mr Smith
I do not know anything about you apart from what I have learned about you on your blog called Waymarks for Believers.

I have to tell you that you come across as a deeply troubled and incredibly bitter man. The more I have read of your writings, the more uncomfortable I have become. I truly believe that nothing you have posted  can in any way be described as spiritually uplifting or edifying. I believe that your writings display a complete lack of humility or graciousness and as such they are the writings of a proud, carnal and resentful man who appears to be committed to tearing down rather than building up.

What makes matters worse is that you persistently use the cover of standing for the truth to accuse and abuse other believers. I do not believe the the Spirit of God would energise a believer to act and write in this way! There is absolutely no Scriptural precedent for your kind of attitude and writing. You are most certainly not doing God's work!

I would urge you to search your heart and ask yourself honestly whether you are guilty of  the hateful sin of spiritual pride. Your attacks on many brethren assemblies and slanderous remarks about individual believers are in most cases completely out of line and reflect a complete lack of spiritual maturity and discernment on your part. Remember you will one day have to give an account for every idle word spoken or written.

In case you are wondering, I am not in a brethren assembly - actually I attend an independent evangelical church in a Surrey - but at least I do recognise that there are many lovely and Godly people in the brethren assemblies who portray a much more Christlike attitude to other believers than you do in your blog .

My strong advice to you would be to show repentance and ask The Lord to forgive  your foolishness and then to permanently remove your blog from the Internet .

Regards S N  Surrey


Have you ever thought of the confusion and hurt, and more serious still, the undoubted possibility that you are stumbling some weak believers. I only came across your  'site' last evening. I can't believe any one professing to be saved would do what you are doing on your site. How dishonouring to The Lord it must be, how sad an unhappy a soul you must be. You are flying in the face of what is taught about believers attitudes to one another in the bible. I trust you will repent of your sin and if you have nothing good to say about a believer, surely you are old enough to know that you should say nothing. You are bringing the Word of God and His work into disrepute. You should be ashamed of yourself. 
T. W. W. Rep of Ireland

Dear Ron. 
Having been through your blogs, I struggle to find anything which would encourage, uplift, build up or give strength. I have to question your motivation. Is the glorifying to the Lord? Does this further God's work? Does the constant chipping away at differences in opinions from those that you hold spread the grace that we have been shown? All of us are weak, will fail, and are imperfect. Does brandishing these flaws in others edify anyone?

1 Cor. 13v1.

In agape love

….there are several things that particularly grieve us.
First, your verbal attacks on named Brethren and second the written attacks in Waymarks and on your blog.
These railings are especially hurtful, as these are our brethren whom we should love and we do love them. You seem to have a hatred for them if they don't share your views. We don't share your extreme views..
We do not see the fruits of the spirit, Gal 5 v 22  .̶  NH

Dear brother Ron,
Your self-styled ‘response’ to my article on Election in the Believers Magazine is as misrepresentative and malign as your 'response’ to an earlier contribution on the subject of Propitiation. I would be grateful if you would append to your forthcoming ‘response’ a note from myself stating that I utterly refute your uncharitable and untrue accusation that I am a ‘Calvinist’ or that I support or teach the false ‘TULIP’ doctrine.
With thanks,
Phil Coulson
See the article in www.brethrenlife.blogspot.co.uk  0r click on brethrenlife

I am not able to answer all my mail, but please write. Tell me what you think.  You get to know who your friends are when you speak out for Christ.
